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Regency’s dedication to communication, collaboration, and craftsmanship will be key to our working relationship with you and your team to complete library projects that stand the test of time.

Building for the Changing Role of Libraries

The role of libraries in our communities has been transformed. Libraries have always worked to connect their patrons to the world around them, but today patrons seek access to technology, community gathering spaces, and hands-on learning tools in their library experiences.

At the same time, library budgets are often stretched to make the critical infrastructure updates that support these changes as well as once-in-a-generation historical renovations, expansions, and more. Completing library projects on time and on budget allows library leaders to maximize their resources and keep up with these changing community needs.

Having completed millions of dollars in library projects, Regency understands how to maximize schedules and budgets for our clients to give them the best return on their investment. Key clients have included Cleveland Public Library, Cuyahoga County Public Library System, and Cleveland Heights-University Heights Library System.

Key Considerations for Library Construction

  • Proactive communication and planning play an important role in managing library construction on active sites.

  • Libraries provide access to essential community and career resources, so it is imperative that computer systems stay online at all times.

  • Special phasing arrangements can keep a branch operational while minimizing disruptions.

  • Increasing ADA accessibility in our libraries is key to extending their vital resources to everyone in our communities.

Our experience is an open book! Check out our library projects

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