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Owner’s Representation, Estimating, Scheduling
$155.5 Million
559,943 SF
Regency Construction Services, Inc. served as Owner’s Representative for Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District to complete district wide improvements including: renovations and additions to Heights High School, renovations to Roxboro Middle School, and Monticello Middle School, and construction of a new football stadium.

Regency served as Owner’s Representative for Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District for district wide improvements of three academic facilities: Heights High School, Roxboro Middle School, and Monticello Middle School. As an OFCC ELPP project, Regency also supported the district with schedule and budget accountability and helped ensure the district would receive state credits for design and construction of the project.
The Heights High School scope included demolition of the existing building except for the historic core which was renovated and added on to (original construction was in 1926). The Heights High School auditorium was renovated, and the Construction Manager at Risk (CMR) constructed additions for two new gyms, a natatorium, and career tech spaces. The CMR also constructed a new football stadium with turf and 1,500 bleacher seats.
Roxboro Middle School and Monticello Middle School were also renovated as part of the Facilities Master Plan. Enabling projects consisted of modifying an existing middle school in the district into swing space with modular classrooms to house the high school and middle school students for swing space during construction. The auditoriums of both middle schools were also renovated with new seats.
This project is LEED Gold Certified and incorporates a 21st Century School Design.

Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District
Facilities Master Plan
University Heights, Ohio